Porkkalan lukiossa oli kuluvana lukuvuotena neljä vaihto-oppilasta Nene Japanista, Tristan USA:sta ja Margherita Italiasta sekä Hannah Saksasta, joka oli lukiossamme syyslukukauden. Lue tästä heidän terveisiä.

Minä olen Nene. Hän on Margherita. Hän on Tristan.
Ensinnäkin kiitos kaikille. Minulla oli tosi hieno vuosi Porkkalan lukiossa. Mutta on ollut joitekin kuluttuurieroja. Minä pärjäsin hyvin koska te opiskelijat ja opettajat auttoivat minua. Te opettitte paljon asioita minulle.
En koskaan unohda tätä vuotta.
Kiitos että kuuntelet.
– Nene
Dear graduates, principal, teachers and other members of staff
I am candidly and wholeheartedly happy for those who are graduating today. Right now, you stand on the edge of a cliff and the salty breeze hits you square in the face: it’s the wind coming from an ocean of new experiences and opportunities. I know what it feels like, getting ready to dive while electric shivers run down your spine. I had the exact same feeling a year ago, before leaving for this beautiful country that has taught me so much.
I’ve learned that life is extremely unpredictable so the only thing we can actually hold on to is the present. I’ve learned that love comes in different shapes and forms. I’ve learned the value of silence and the importance of space. For all of this I thank all of you.
When I first came to this school, I noticed straight away how everything here is so different from Italy and I wondered if I would have ever been able to call this place home or simply if I’d ever fit in.
And now? Now we’re leaving, parting ways again. As fast as we came we will be gone. Just like those who are graduating, we’re thrown into the madness of the world again. Sometimes I wonder what it will feel like for the rest of you who stay. Will you remember us? Maybe with a lazy smile or a grimace? Or will you forget us as soon as you don’t see us, just like a fleeting summer breeze that caresses your skin and then disappears.
Goodbye, we wish everyone an amazing and full life. And who knows maybe we’ll meet again, somewhere, someday.
Thank you
– Margherita